In Memory of







Condolence From: Sherri Anne Arsenault, UWaterloo
Condolence: On behalf of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Waterloo, please accept our sincere condolences on the passing of Father Ted.
Tuesday August 22, 2017
Condolence From: Judy and Bill Mckee
Condolence: Doug, Kelly and Kara. We are thinking of you at this time. Ted was a wonderful Brother in law and Uncle to you. Cherish the memories and the good times. With love to you all. God Bless... Judy, Bill, David, Doug and Susan.
Tuesday August 08, 2017
Condolence From: Judy and Bill Mckee
Condolence: Doug, Kelly and Kara. We are thinking of you at this time. Ted was a wonderful Brother in law and Uncle to you. Cherish the memories and the good times. With love to you all. God Bless... Judy, Bill, David, Doug and Susan.
Tuesday August 08, 2017
Condolence From: Diane (Memme) Rowe, an acquaintance from BRHS, Hamilton
Condolence: Dear Family of Fr. Edward (Ted) Hughes, I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your loved one, Fr. Ted Hughes. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that God's blessings of peace and comfort will help you through this difficult time. Fr. Ted will always be with you in your hearts and in your fond memories of him. With deepest condolence, Diane (Memme) Rowe
Monday August 07, 2017
Condolence From: Rita Peng
Condolence: Fr Ted is dearly missed as much as he was dearly loved. As the Regional Chaplain for the Ontario( federal prison) region, he was a skilled administrator and a pastor for all of us, prison chaplains. He also loved to spend time with the inmates and took every opportunity to visit them whenever he was invited, celebrating Mass or attending special events, always with his smiles, dedication and wits. I am deeply sadden by his departure but take comfort that he is in the loving embrace of our Lord.
Monday August 07, 2017
Condolence From: Henderson Family
Condolence: To have a priest like Fr. Ted in 'Our Lady of Lourdes' parish was such a blessing,if even only for a short time. He will be sadly missed.. Rest in peace Father Ted and thank you for having touched our lives.
Sunday August 06, 2017
Condolence From: John Armstrong
Condolence: I was fortunate enough to have served mass while Fr. Ted was at St. Dominic's Parish in Oakville. He had a unique warmth that allowed him to connect with people. He engaged them on a personal level that was rare for priests in that era. His joyful lightheartedness endeared many, especially younger parishioners who sometimes felt disconnected by the overwhelming formality of church services at the time. I never forgot him and he holds a special place in my heart. God Bless him and his family.
Sunday August 06, 2017
Condolence From: Miles Schell
Condolence: As a prison chaplain newly placed at Grand Valley Institution for Women in 2014, Father Ted became my friend. I was a stranger to Kitchener and he welcomed me into his life by allowing me to share the rectory with him for my first year. Memories of watching Border Crossing and discussing philosophies of life from our Lazy Boys will, and always be, treasured in my heart. I will miss you my friend and mentor! Drink deeply the face of God, you were very much loved by all of us.
Sunday August 06, 2017
Condolence From: Mary Van Dyk
Condolence: Fr. Ted was a great person and I enjoyed working with him at the Hamilton Diocesan Catholic Women's League where he was Spiritual Advisor for 5 years. We will all miss him dearly
Sunday August 06, 2017
Condolence From: Stephen Jacobs
Condolence: Your presence and energy were infectious to all who were open and receptive. You will be deeply missed on this rock. The Jacobs Family.
Sunday August 06, 2017
Condolence From: Tom Curtis
Condolence: Saddened to learn today of the passing of Father Ted. He will always be remembered as a genuine man of faith and devotion. He will be missed but fondly remembered. My thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time. Sincerely T. Curti
Saturday August 05, 2017
Condolence From: Marg Sehl, Joel and Danny Densmore
Condolence: My sons and I were richly blessed to be a part of Father Ted's journey. He loved my little boys as they served Mass for him. Going to Confession as well was an incredible affirming Merciful experience. The three of us were touched by God ,dear Fr Ted ,by your joy and happiness . Thank you for being such a loving Priest. We felt the "kiss" of Jesus. Please put in a good word for us.
Saturday August 05, 2017
Condolence From: Ray/Maureen Cadorette
Condolence: We had the grace and pleasure of meeting Fr. Ted at St. Dominic's , his first assignment as a newly-ordained and already an inspirational Pastor and friend to us and our four children. We still recall and treasure the Intro-Joke he related in one of his early Homilies: re: the difference between the Pharisees ( who believed in the Resurrection) and the Sadducees ( who didn't ) to summarize. After setting the stage in the era's Jewish society, Father Ted blushingly provided the clincher: " They Were Sad, You See". We can still see him blush at our laughs, giggles and groans.. Well done Faithful Servant and Thanks for your example and inspiration, Father Hughes.
Saturday August 05, 2017
Condolence From: Julia & Gary Calverley
Condolence: Fr. Ted will be missed by so many. Our heart and our prayers to his family and friends. May God Bless.
Saturday August 05, 2017
Condolence From: The Evans Family from Guelph, Ontario
Condolence: With great sadness we offer our heartfelt condolences to all of Father Ted'd loved ones. What a ray of hope he was for us during his time at our Basilica of Our Lady. Always a radiant smile and a joke to start off his homilies. I know he will pray for us from above as we pray for his soul to rest on peace.
Saturday August 05, 2017
Condolence From: Terry Richardson
Condolence: Ted was my friend. He was part of the management team in federal prison chaplaincy. He was a skilled and gifted pastor and cared deeply for the broken. Memories of his great sense of humour still make me laugh. May our gracious Lord give peace to the family and comfort at this time of loss. Terry Richardson, pastor of Hope Lutheran Church, Nanaimo, BC, (Former Director General Chaplaincy, Correctional Service of Canada).
Saturday August 05, 2017
Condolence From: The Bourque Family
Condolence: Father Ted was an amazing man who touched the lives of so many. He will be missed greatly. He truly did God's work here on earth. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this difficult time.
Saturday August 05, 2017